Students Giving Back to the University
Students give back to Texas Wesleyan through various student giving initiatives and campus organizations. The alumni office sponsors two elite student groups, Golden Shears and President’s Ambassadors. We encourage students to get involved at Wesleyan, and look forward to them be
coming active alumni when they graduate. Once a Ram, Always a Ram!
Flat Willie Friday
Flat Willie Fridays are hosted by the alumni office the first Friday of every month as a way to raise awareness of the alumni association. Post your Flat Willie and show us how creative you can be.
Graduation Gift Campaign
Are you about to graduate? If so, now is your chance to start giving back to your University! As a Texas Wesleyan graduate, you have the opportunity to make a donation in honor of individuals who have played an important role in your Wesleyan experience through our Graduation Gift Campaign.
Golden Shears
The Guardians of the Golden Shears was established to recognize students who influence the campus. Recipients are chosen for their academic achievement, leadership ability and all-around versatility.
President’s Ambassadors
The Wesleyan President's Ambassadors are students whose dedication to Texas Wesleyan is exemplified through their positive promotion of the University. They represent the President and Texas Wesleyan at special events and share the values and traditions of the University with guests and the community.
TAG (Thanking All Givers) Day
Students show their appreciation for University donors on TAG Day and learn about the impact of donations on campus.