Shop & Support
Give back to your alma mater, while you shop! All of the programs listed below benefit the alumni association and we hope you'll take advantage & give back to the University!

Shop online using AmazonSmile and a portion of your purchases will support the Texas Wesleyan Alumni Association. Simply login to AmazonSmile and search for and select Texas Wesleyan University as your organization and start shopping. Amazon will keep Texas Wesleyan attached to your account unless you change it.

Complete this form and return via email (, fax (817.531.7560) or mail (1201 Wesleyan Street, Alumni Office, Ft. Worth, TX 76105). This will link your Tom Thumb Reward Card to Texas Wesleyan's Alumni Association #4298. The Tom Thumb Good Neighbor program will pay the Texas Wesleyan Alumni Association Fund a percentage of all your purchases every time you shop.

For the Kroger Community Rewards program, you can easily link your Kroger Plus Card to the University online. Sign in or create your account online (orange buttons in the upper right-hand corner) and add Texas Wesleyan University under the Community Rewards section of your account settings. You can search for Texas Wesleyan by name or by the organization number (82081). Every time you shop with your Kroger Plus Card, a percentage of your sales will go to the Texas Wesleyan Alumni Association Fund. Click here for more detailed instructions.

Texas Wesleyan is a proud partner with Liberty Mutual! You can get a College Education Discount of up to 10% on auto insurance from Liberty Mutual. Get details and a free rate quote on Auto and Home Insurance online. Learn more...

Order your diploma frames through the alumni office and
a portion of the proceeds will suppor the alumni associaiton.
Order online today.
We hope you'll consider Wesleyan the next time you shop at the places listed above.
Thank you for your continued support!