Tribute Gift
A gift to a charitable organization is a wonderful way to recognize someone of importance in your life. By making a tribute gift, you honor a family member or friend by supporting the work of an organization that does meaningful community service.
Texas Wesleyan is honored to receive gifts in memory or honor of alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends. These gifts celebrate the relationship individuals have with the University and their community as they impact the educational experience students and faculty share on our campus each day.
Tribute gifts can be directed to several funds within the University depending on the interest and intent of the family or donor.
The University Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund is part of the University's endowment and was established to encourage and recognize undesignated tribute gifts. Gifts directed to this fund underwrite scholarships that the University awards each academic year. Memorial or honorarium gifts of any size can be made to this fund.
Restricted Program Fund
Each School within the University, as well as the West Library and the Athletic Department, have restricted funds that operate to supplement the budget of the respective area. Tribute gifts can be directed to these funds to provide enhancement support for a specified program or department. Such gifts provide extra dollars for the department or program. Memorial or honorarium gifts of any size can be made to these funds. Donors should stipulate designation of gift.
Named Endowed Fund
The University has more than 180 named endowed funds. Several of these funds have been established to pay tribute to Wesleyan alumni or faculty. Endowed funds function as savings for the University, providing income each year for the purpose designated by the donor. Memorial or honorarium gifts of any size can be made to an established endowed fund. Minimum gift levels exist to establish a named endowed fund. Additional information about establishing an endowed fund is on the website as is the list of current endowed funds.
Tribute Gift Recognition
To recognize the special occassions, achievements or events that often motivate tribute gifts, the University acknowledges these gifts in several ways.
• A thank you card is sent to the donor, recognizing the tribute made by the gift.
• A notice card is sent to the person or family, recognizing the tribute made by the donor.
• The gift is listed in the Tribute Gift List of the Wesleyan magazine, which is printed twice per year.
• The gift is listed in the President's Report/Honor Roll of Donors, an annual publication listing all gifts made to the University in the previous fiscal year.
• Donors giving $1,000 or more are eligible to inscribe a brick in the Donor Walkway on campus.
If you are interested in making a tribute gift to Texas Wesleyan, please send the gift along with the following information to the University at the Office of Advancement, 1201 Wesleyan, Fort Worth, Texas 76105-1536:
Name, address and phone number of donor
Name of person honored or remembered
Address and phone number of honoree or family of deceased
Special occasion if appropriate, i.e. birthday, anniversary
Special message to send to honoree or family of deceased, if desired
Designation of gift, i.e. Corley Library Employees Fund, West Scholarship Fund, Alumni Endowed Scholarship, Cecil Cole Theatre Award, Chemistry Department, Music Department, or Golf Team.
For questions regarding tribute gifts, please contact the Office of Advancement at 817.531.4404.