Planned Giving
Throughout its long history, Texas Wesleyan has been blessed by the vision and planning of so many benefactors. We recognize the names – Mulkey, Armstrong, Oneal, Sells, and Waggoner – individuals whose belief in the school and whose commitment to the mission of education called them to plan for the future.
Included among these thoughtful individuals was Ella C. McFadden. She was married to W. C. McFadden, chairman of Southland Royalty Company, and during their life together, they made many gifts to the University. Mrs. McFadden continued to support the school after her husband died and made provisions in her own will to establish the Ella C. McFadden Charitable Trust. When the trust made its final distribution in 1985, the $14.5 million directed to Texas Wesleyan nearly doubled the University’s endowment. Through her thoughtful planning, Mrs. McFadden helped secure the promise of affordable private education.
While the size of the McFadden bequest was impressive, it was the heart behind the gift that made it more important to the University. Mrs. McFadden understood the vital importance of education and planned her gift to benefit students well into the future she knew she would not see. Texas Wesleyan has honored her vision and her heart by creating the Ella C. McFadden Circle to recognize all those who have planned a gift to the University.
Many individuals and families have made planned gifts to Texas Wesleyan. Planned giving options are often called deferred because they allow a donor to defer a gift to some future date – for example, after you and your loved ones have benefited from any assets, which you might earmark for a gift.
If your financial goals and needs include determining how best to:
- fulfill your philanthropic wishes;
- enhance your income stream;
- provide support for loved ones;
- reduce income taxes;
- simplify your investment management and custodial life;
- avoid capital gains taxes;
- reduce the delays and expenses of probate;
- reduce estate taxes;
- plan your retirement income; and/or
- reduce the taxability of retirement plan assets,
There are several deferred gift planning options available that can help you fulfill these goals and needs and provide a benefit to you and Texas Wesleyan University. These gifts benefit the giver and the giver’s family by enabling them to use philanthropy as a means to pass more assets to their heirs, pass less to the state in taxes, and support the mission of the University.
The planned giving tools/techniques that can help you accomplish your goals include the following:
- Bequests in a Will
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Charitable Lead Trusts
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Deferred Charitable Gift Annuities
- Gifts of Life Insurance
- Gifts of Tangible Personal Property
- Gifts of Real Property
- Gifts of Stock and/or Other Securities
- Gifts of a Remainder Interest in a Personal Residence or Farm
- Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets (IRAs)
The greatest benefit, however, comes in knowing that a planned gift will make an extraordinary difference in the lives of students as they prepare for their own futures. Texas Wesleyan University is deeply grateful to those recognized as members of the McFadden Circle. They have proven so well that a gift from the heart enriches the spirit.
Please contact (817) 531-4404 to discuss how planned giving might help you attain your goals and wishes, and what device(s) might be best tailored to your personal situation.