Memorial gifts for Charles Trammell

Please complete and submit the gift form below to make your tribute gift in memory of Texas Wesleyan Student, Charles Trammell. Charles is a beloved member of the Ram Fam and began taking classes at Texas Wesleyan in 2019. During his time at Wesleyan, Charles majored in English with a Secondary Education Certification and was a member of the Football Team. Gifts made through this page will support scholarships at Texas Wesleyan University. If gifts exceed $10,000 a scholarship in Charles' memory will be created to help a student with their education. A fitting tribute as Charles' family has shared that he was happy to be a good friend others could count on and would drop everything to help.

Thank you for considering Texas Wesleyan for your meaningful tribute gift. If you have any questions as you complete the form below, please contact the Advancement Office at 817.531.4404.

Note: If you are signing up for a recurring gift, please note our cancellation policy. You may visit and fill out the form to notify us of your intent to cancel your recurring gift payment. Please allow 30 days for your cancellation request to be processed and completed. If you have questions, please contact our office at 817-531-4404.

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$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
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in memory of
Mr. Charles Trammell