Memorial Gifts for Dr. Carl Schrader

On Tuesday, February 9, the Texas Wesleyan community lost someone near and dear to our hearts. Dr. Carl G. Schrader, Professor Emeritus, passed away after a short illness. Dr. Schrader taught at Texas Wesleyan for 36 years, from 1962 until his retirement in 1998. However, Dr. Schrader did much more than teach. 

Dr. Schrader was also a Presbyterian minister for 57 years, most recently serving at the First Presbyterian Church in Crowley. He also spearheaded the Retired Faculty Luncheons that met twice a year on the Texas Wesleyan campus. On Wednesday, August 21, 2019, alumni, faculty and staff celebrated Dr. Schrader’s 90th birthday by attending a surprise birthday lunch at a local restaurant. Dr. Schrader, a humble man who preferred not to be the center of attention, was moved by the large number of guests who honored him that day.

Dr. Schrader was special. He was invested in his students’ lives, both in and out of the classroom. Texas Wesleyan University President Frederick G. Slabach shared, “Over the last ten years, I have visited with hundreds of alumni who have asked about ‘Doc Schrader’ and have volunteered information about the impact he had on their lives.”

It is our hope to raise $25,000 by May 31 to endow a scholarship in Dr. Schrader’s memory. If the goal is not reached by May 31, the funds will be placed in the Dr. Carl G. Schrader Tribute Scholarship Fund, which is a part of the Wesleyan Fund.

If you would like to celebrate Dr. Schrader’s life with a memorial gift, please use the form below to make your gift online.

Note: If you are signing up for a recurring gift, please note our cancellation policy. You may visit and fill out the form to notify us of your intent to cancel your recurring gift payment. Please allow 30 days for your cancellation request to be processed and completed. If you have questions, please contact our office at 817-531-4404.

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$ 100.00
$ 250.00
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Dr. Carl Schrader
in honor of
his years of service