Order your Texas Wesleyan ornaments today!
Texas Wesleyan can now be a part of your Christmas traditions! Order your special-edition brass ornaments of the historic O'Neal Sells Administration Building or the beautiful Canafax Clock Tower. These handcrafted renditions of our beloved campus landmarks will be an elegant and special addition to your holiday décor! They also make great gifts, so order yours today.
Orders must be placed by Dec.14 to guarantee shipping before Christmas. Ornaments are $20 each, which includes tax and shipping, or they can be purchased at the alumni office on campus for only $15 each. Proceeds from the ornament sales support the Texas Wesleyan Alumni Association. Thank you!

Please select the number of ornaments you would like to purchase. The price is $20 each including tax and shipping.
Thank you for supporting the alumni association!
Make an additional donation
Alumni ornament sales:
Administration Bldg Orn.
Clock Tower Orn.