Make your gift to the Lewis Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gifts made through this page will be added to the Lewis Family Endowed Scholarship Fund which will offer scholarship support to Texas Wesleyan students who have graduated from Dunbar High School. The Lewis Family Legacy runs deep at Texas Wesleyan, and we are thrilled to have this opportunity for our deserving students.

Note: If you are signing up for a recurring gift, please note our cancellation policy. You may visit and fill out the form to notify us of your intent to cancel your recurring gift payment. Please allow 30 days for your cancellation request to be processed and completed. If you have questions, please contact our office at 817-531-4404.

Donation Information
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
Additional Information
Type of gift:
Billing Information
Payment Information
Tribute Information